The payphone is the massage
A tour of phone booths in Athens. Most of them are out of their original service. Messages found on them range from sex ads accompanied with mobile phone numbers, to conspiracy theories with youtube video urls, time-stamped comments by political groups and religious cults, coded or nonsensical rhymes, oddly identical smudges.
The project studies the obscure and multilayered ways that these messages interact, form threads and compete for private media-space on public residential infrastructure. It features a growing collection of photographs of writings found across the city, organized thematically and geographically to map wild-grown networks of threaded discourses, their authors’ para-literary strolls and territorial disputes.
Taking care not to expose anyone to undesired publicity, a limited-access software+hardware setup was developed in collaboration with Browserbased Group to present the work as an installation in Athens Digital Art Festival 2016.